(Image courtesy Indiana State Department of Health)
State health officials say mixed dosing is authorized for COVID-19 boosters and tweeted this chart showing who is eligible and what the options are regarding vaccines. The Indiana Department of Health on Friday announced it will begin offering booster doses of Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccine to eligible Hoosiers following federal authorization of the additional dose. Booster doses of the Pfizer vaccine have been available since late September. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Thursday approved the administration of a booster dose of the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccine to counter waning immunity. Indiana health officials say the FDA and CDC have previously authorized booster doses of the Pfizer vaccine in specific populations, as well as a third dose of Pfizer or Moderna for immunocompromised individuals.
The Indiana State Department of Health said the CDC has issued booster eligibility guidance:
• For individuals who received a Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, the following groups are eligible for a booster shot at six months or more after their initial series:
o 65 years and older
o Age 18 and older who live in long-term care settings
o Age 18 and older who have underlying medical conditions
o Age 18 and older who work or live in high-risk settings
• Booster doses are also recommended for anyone 18 or older who got the single dose Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine two or more months ago.
“The approval of the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson boosters will help provide additional protection to many Hoosiers, especially our most vulnerable residents in long-term care facilities and others who are most at risk,” said State Health Commissioner Kris Box, M.D., FACOG. “The COVID-19 vaccines continue to provide strong protection against severe illness and death. Whether Hoosiers are getting their first dose or a booster shot, they will find vaccines widely available across the state.”
Eligible Hoosiers who want to obtain a booster dose can go to www.ourshot.in.gov to find a location or call 211 for assistance. Upon arriving at the vaccination clinic, Hoosiers will be asked to attest that they meet the eligibility requirements set forth in the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).