To rake or not to rake? The Recycling and Waste Reduction District of Porter County says it’s the question at hand when the leaves start to fall. “Leaves are rich with so many nutrients. As the seasons start to change many residents take to raking. It’s important to note that leaves can easily be mulched down with lawn mowers. Leaves are incredibly beneficial for nutrient absorption into yards and lawns across the area,”said Keri Marrs Barron, Executive Director of the Recycling & Waste Reduction District of Porter County.
For residents interested in raking, bagging and transporting leaves from lawns there are several options for quick and easy disposal across the District’s three main compost sites. The Recycling & Waste Reduction District of Porter County provides three main compost sites across Porter County with locations in Valparaiso, Portage and Boone Grove. Local residents are encouraged to utilize sites in proper disposal of leaves, branches, brush, seasonal pumpkins and gourds collected from residential yards and neighborhoods.
“This time of year draws out holiday decorations in many people’s yards. As the temperatures are falling and season décor changes, we aim to help area residents recycle right and compost acceptable materials accordingly,” said Barron. For more information on acceptable recycling items and educational programming, contact the Recycling & Waste Reduction District of Porter County at (219) 510-1124 or visit www.PorterCountyRecycling.org .