Officers for Merrillville High School Thespian Troupe #1692, from left, seniors Priya Hildebrand, vice president; Merci Tan, secretary; Lauren Molenda, president and state thespian officer chair; junior Precious Moore, newly elected state thespian officer; and sophomore Nomi Green, community service officer. (Photo provided)
Members of the Merrillville High School Thespian Troupe #1692 earned accolades at the Indiana Thespians State Conference recently held at Indiana Wesleyan University last weekend. Junior Precious Moore became the 12th Merrillville High School student in the last nine years to be elected as a State Thespian Officer (STO). To become an officer, Moore experienced a rigorous interview and application process. STOs represent students across the state and help plan competitions and leadership conferences. Senior Lauren Molenda earned the Distinguished Senior Award as the most outstanding senior in the State of Indiana. Troupe #1692 earned the Gold Honor Troupe rank, the highest possible rank, for the fourth year in a row. Senior Leah Peloza, troupe historian, created the portfolio presentation to earn that award. Seniors Priya Hildebrand a Merci Tan earned nearly $60,000 in scholarship offers from four different universities.
The results for the Thespy Competition (individual events) included: Junior Genesis Williams and Senior Faith Henderson both ranked superior in Solo Musical Theatre. Students who ranked excellent in their Thespy Competitions included: Sophomores Adenike Zannou, Makeup Design; Hailey Nolan, Costume Design; Ember Wolstenholme and Cam Chavez, Scenic Design; Ash Best and Nomi Green, Sound Design; junior Precious Moore, short film; and seniors Andrew McKnight, Monologue; and Na’Riyah Richardson, Solo Musical Theatre. Ranking excellent in Thespy Duet Acting Competition were seniors Merci Tan and Priya Hildebrand; junior Journey Pleasant and senior Precious Moore; and senior Christon Williamson and sophomore Terry Thomas. Ranking excellent in the Thespy Competition of Group Acting were seniors Andrew McKnight, James George, Lauren Molenda, Merci Tan, Danai Nixon, Priya Hildebrand, and junior Christon Williamson.