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In Lake County, a concrete pavement restoration project is underway on Interstate 80/94 between the Illinois state line and Cline Avenue. Work on that stretch of the Borman starts with cleaning the shoulders and inspecting and repairing storm drains to prepare for shifted traffic. Overnight lane closures to set up lane shifts begin Thursday (May 12). All work is weather dependent, and the schedule may change. During the construction phase, work will occur 24 hours a day and up to 6 or 7 days a week. Motorists are advised to be prepared for changing traffic patterns on east- and westbound 80/94 throughout the project. INDOT says completion is set for May 2023, with major work wrapping up late this year.
“INDOT encourages drivers to allow extra time when driving through this area and follow traffic directions carefully. Motorists should slow down, exercise caution and drive distraction-free through all work zones,” the news release said.