Jay Harrigan (Photo provided, Hobart Chamber of Commerce)
In Lake County, the Hobart Chamber of Commerce is announcing the retirement of Executive Director Jay Harrigan effective mid-October. Harrigan was born and raised in Hobart, where his family has been in the real estate business for over 75 years, the Hobart Chamber said. Harrigan has served in many community service positions including past Hobart Kiwanis President, Maria Reiner Center Board Member, former Hobart Jaycee President, and former Board of Zoning Appeals Member. “A couple years ago, I took on the position of Hobart Chamber of Commerce Executive Director and I believe we have made great strides to build the Chamber back up to pre-covid days. As of the writing of this, we are interviewing a great group of candidates for the position of Executive Director. We have a strong President, Vice-President, and Board of Directors that I know will continue in the direction that we are heading, and I will be monitoring to make sure they do. Michelle and I will be packing up and moving to a warmer climate. I’ll be making visits back here from time to time and anyone coming down to Florida, let me know and I’ll be sure to forward my address,” said Harrigan. For more details on the Hobart Chamber call 219-942-5774. Follow the Chamber on their website at www.hobartchamber.com or follow them on Facebook.