In Chesterton, funeral services were this week for retired Indiana University Northwest Professor of Geology and “Birds of the Indiana Dunes” author Dr. Kenneth Brock. Dr. Brock, a recipient of the state’s highest honor the Sagamore of the Wabash award, “was a lifelong birdwatcher,” his obituary said, “encouraging others to appreciate the Indiana Dunes and Ornithology by guiding birding trips.” Indiana Audubon Executive Director Brad Bumgardner wrote an article posted at Indiana Audubon’s Indiana Dunes migration birding website blog this week remembering Dr. Brock’s legacy. Dr. Kenneth Brock was 87.

IUN Geology Professor Emeritus, ‘Birds of the Indiana Dunes’ Author Dr. Kenneth Brock Passes Away
Nov 1, 2024 | 8:44 AM