In recognition of Carbon Monoxide Awareness Month in November, NIPSCO says it urges customers to beware of the “silent killer” that claims the lives of hundreds of people in the U.S. each year. The Merrillville-based utility says carbon monoxide – CO – is an odorless, tasteless, and non-corrosive gas, and the company stressed the importance of having a fully-functional CO detector on every level of the home and in every room where someone sleeps. NIPSCO (Northern Indiana Public Service Company) also said remember to test and replace CO detector batteries regularly, know the symptoms of CO poisoning, and to not ignore the warning signs. Carbon monoxide can be fatal within five minutes at high concentrations, the company said. NIPSCO has additional information and more safety tips here at its website — .

NIPSCO Shares Tips for Carbon Monoxide Awareness Month
Nov 5, 2024 | 8:02 AM