(Image provided, City of Valparaiso)
In Valparaiso, the city this morning Thursday February 27, 2025, said a precautionary boil advisory has been issued following a water main break. “Valparaiso City Utilities field service crews responded to a water main break, and due to a failure of a major valve repair on a strategic water transmission main, customers may have experienced low water pressure or a complete interruption in their water service. Due to the interruption of water service, a precautionary boil advisory will be issued to all residents and business owners along Glendale Blvd, and all other water customers south of Glendale in the shaded area of the attached map. This includes all water customers south of US HWY 30 as well,” the news release said. “If you are in doubt of where you are located geographically, follow the precautionary boil advisory.”
The city said the water microbiology laboratory will conduct the necessary testing to assure the water passes the required bacteria testing. The boil advisory will last approximately 48 hours and may be extended if additional testing is needed.
“It is recommended that all cooking and drinking water be brought to a complete boil for five (5) minutes before using. Please continue to boil all cooking and drinking water until we notify you that it is no longer necessary,” the news release said.
For further information regarding boil advisories, residents may call the city of Valparaiso’s Customer Service Center at 219 462 6174 or visit the city’s website under www.valparaisoutilities.org (FAQs “What should I do when a boil advisory is issued”).”