A Region planning agency is seeking input. Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission (NIRPC) is soliciting feedback for its “NWI 2050+” plan. NIRPC says the plan is to develop a regional vision for all types of transportation and guide how federal funds will be used for transportation projects. A major emphasis of NWI 2050 Plus will help determine how to make walking, biking, and using public transportation easier to travel from home to important destinations in Lake, Porter, and LaPorte Counties. More details at NIRPC.org . Here is a link to the survey: https://rdgusa.mysocialpinpoint.com/nw-indiana-planning .
NIRPC said the feedback site includes two features:
• An interactive map. This map helps you leave comments, ideas, and concerns on specific parts of an aerial map of our region. These are marked by pinpoints of different colors that will help us compile the results.
• An opinion survey that includes questions about all forms of transportation, how you move around the district yourself, and sections where you can state your preferences for different types of development and bicycle/pedestrian facilities.